WTSP11 ポスター①② 7月31日・8月1日 2Fリハーサル室 |
IFMIF原型加速器LIPAcの現状2024 |
Status of Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) in 2024 |
○増田 開,赤木 智哉,熊谷 公紀,杉本 昌義(量研、IFMIF/EVEDA PT),Carin Yann,Gex Dominique,Scantamburlo Francesco(F4E, IFMIF/EVEDA PT),長谷川 和男,春日井 敦,近藤 恵太郎(量研),Cismondi Fabio,Dzitko Herve(F4E) |
○Kai Masuda, Tomoya Akagi, Kohki Kumagai, Masayoshi Sugimoto (QST, IFMIF/EVEDA PT), Yann Carin, Dominique Gex, Francesco Scantamburlo (F4E, IFMIF/EVEDA PT), Kazuo Hasegawa, Atsushi Kasugai, Keitaro Kondo (QST), Fabio Cismondi, Herve Dzitko (F4E) |
Since the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) requires an accelerator with unprecedented performances to provide 40 MeV, 125 mA D+ CW beam, the feasibility is being demonstrated with a prototype up to 9 MeV, namely the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc), which is under commissioning in Rokkasho within the EU-JA collaborative framework of the IFMIF/EVEDA project under the Broader Approach agreement signed between EURATOM and the Japanese Government in 2007. This poster will present an overview of the efforts and progresses made after the last annual meeting, as well as up-to-date statistics from an Event Report system that register all types of unexpected events during installation, commissioning and operation of the LIPAc for the purpose of improving the safety and reliability. |