WEP085  ポスター①  7月31日 3Fホワイエ 13:00-15:00
Development of a tracking code for a small storage ring
○LU YAO,加藤 政博(広島大学),島田 美帆,宮内 洋司(高エネ研)
○Yao Lu, Masahiro Katoh (HiSOR), Miho Shimada, Hiroshi Miyauchi (KEK)
A tracking code based on C++ language has been developed for HiSOR-II which is under designing for the future plan at Hiroshima Research Institute for Synchrotron Radiation Science. If the radiation effect is taken into consideration, the electron motion in a ring is non-symplectic. Therefore, the explicit Runge-Kutta method can be applied in numerical tracking in electron storage ring. In addition to general magnet models calculated by Hamiltonian, an element model based on Runge-Kutta method is developed, which can take the 3D magnetic field into calculation. Because magnet components of HiSOR-II are combined-function magnets, the adjustability of sextupole components is limited. We want to use the magnetic field in longitudinal direction produced by the edge effect to estimate chromaticity, which will be compared with the Maxwellian fringe field effect. This program can perform a 6D tracking updated from a previous Runge-Kutta tracking code. The ring optics parameters such as closed orbit, Twiss parameter and tune can also be obtained.