WEP077  ポスター①  7月31日 3F交流室A 13:00-15:00
KEK LUCX加速器におけるデジタルLLRFによる位相および振幅フィードフォワードを用いたビーム安定化
Beam stabilization at KEK LUCX facility by Digital LLRF phase&amplitude feedforward implementation into RF system
○ポポフ コンスタンティン,アリシェフ アレクサンダー,照沼 信浩(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan)
○Konstantin Popov, Alexander Aryshev, Nobuhiro Terunuma (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan)
KEK LUCX facility is a normal conductive multi-bunch electron linear accelerator devoted to develop an intense monochromatic source of laser-Compton X-ray for tomography applications. In order to perform samples tomography, stable laser-Compton X-ray beam is necessary. From accelerator side, laser-Compton X-ray generation stability is basically defined by electron beam parameters stability, while these parameters depend on accelerating field phase and amplitude. Therefore, the stabilization of accelerating field is a milestone to generate stable X-ray. Digital LLRF phase and amplitude feedforward system was developed, tested and implemented into KEK LUCX facility RF system for the accelerating field precise control. This research presents results of electron beam parameters stabilization at KEK LUCX facility. These parameters are beam average energy, energy spread (RMS), bunch charge, beam arrival time, transverse normalized emittance. Also, Digital LLRF feedforward system technical details are explained. Moreover, the beam parameters stabilization was simulated in the ASTRA tracking code.