WEP068  ポスター①  7月31日 3F研修室A 13:00-15:00
SuperKEKB 入射ビーム調整のためのPersonnel Protection Systemの変更
Personnel protection system modification for SuperKEKB injection beam tuning
○三増 俊広,小野 正明,工藤 喜久雄(高エネルギー加速器研究機構),田中 幹朗,田中 直樹(三菱電機システムサービス(株)),小川 英一郎(有限会社サイバーテクノ)
○Toshihiro Mimashi, Masaaki Ono, Kikuo Kudo (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization), Mikio Tanaka, Naoki Tanaka (Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Co. Ltd.), Eiichirou Ogawa (Cyber Techno Limited Company)
In recent years, the injectionn beam tuning has become more important in improving the performance of SuperKEKB. As the beam current in the main ring and the luminosity increases, the lifetime of the beam becomes shorter, so that there is an increasing demand for constantly maintaining high injection beam efficiency. Know-how on the injection beam tuning has been accumulated, and it has become possible to improve the condition of the injection beam if enough time is taken. In the Personnel Protection System at KEKB, when a person is working at Belle II, which is 1.5 km away from the injection point, it was not possible to tune the injection beam using a beam dump at the end of the beam transport line. Personnel Protection System was modified so that it could be possible to guide the beam up to the beam dump at the end of beam transport line during a person access to the Belle II