WEP062  ポスター①  7月31日 3F研修室A 13:00-15:00
Temporal reshaping of lasers through the coherent pulse stacking technique in the SuperKEKB Electron/Positron Injector
○周 翔宇,本田 洋介,吉田 光宏(高エネ研/総研大),熊野 宏樹,豊富 直之(三菱電機システムサービス)
○Xiangyu Zhou, Yosuke Honda, Mitsuhiro Yoshida (KEK/SOKENDAI), Hiroki Kumano, Naoyuki Toyotomi (MSC)
For SuperKEKB, the laser employed to generate electrons can produce mJ-level ultraviolet light and has been operating flawlessly on the Linac for several years. To diminish the emittance of the electron beams, it is imperative to reshape the laser pulse cylindrically in three dimensions using an adaptive optics system. With the incorporation of Diffractive optical element (DOE), the spatial profile shaping of the laser has been effectively achieved. However, in the pursuit of low-emittance beams, temporal profile shaping assumes a more significant role than spatial profile shaping. By capitalizing on the group velocity mismatch between the two different polarizations of a birefringent crystal, a series of pulses can be assembled into the desired temporal pulse shape. Consequently, a coherent pulse stacking process is employed to shape flat-top temporal laser pulses.