WEP052 ポスター① 7月31日 2Fリハーサル室 13:00-15:00 |
電気/永久型ハイブリッド磁石の研究開発 |
Research and development of an electric/permanent hybrid magnet |
○LU YAO(広島大学),島田 美帆,宮内 洋司,帯名 崇,原田 健太郎(高エネ研),高嶋 圭史(名古屋大学),加藤 政博(広島大学) |
○Yao Lu (HiSOR), Miho Shimada, Hiroshi Miyauchi, Takashi Obina, Kentaro Harada (KEK), Yoshifumi Takashima (NuSR), Masahiro Katoh (HiSOR) |
Permanent magnet is a reasonable option to replace electromagnet in a magnetic lattice to save power consumption of accelerator facility. However, the usage of permanent magnet is still very limited until now. One of the reasons is the temperature dependence of permanent magnet properties. We are designing electric/permanent hybrid magnet for future synchrotron light sources, which would be capable of field adjustability for flexible accelerator operation. A model permanent dipole magnet developed at Nagoya University is used to investigate the thermal effect generated by the coils and hysteresis effect in the magnet operation. Through the research, a magnetic field compensation scheme is developed. An active feedback system uses the real-time temperature of the permanent magnet to estimate the magnetic field strength and adjust the coil current. A design for an electric/permanent magnet is also in progress. The experimental result and design will be presented. |