WEOT02 加速器制御 7月31日 テルサホール 15:30-15:50 |
Multi-objective Bayesian optimization of electron cyclotron resonance ion source |
○Andrea De Franco, Tomoya Akagi (QST), Benoit Bolzon (CEA), Fabio Cismondi (F4E), Nicolas Chauvin (CEA), Herve Dzitko (F4E), Tomonobu Itagaki, Keitaro Kondo, Kai Masuda (QST) |
ECR ion sources require tuning by an expert to achieve best performance. We developed a Multi-Objective Bayesian optimization for the ECR of LIPAc. The free parameters are: RF power, gas flow, position of 2 RF tuners and current of 2 solenoid coils. The machine learning approach demonstrated a fast convergence to a working point where not only the extracted beam current is >130mA, but also the emittance is successfully constrained to <0.25 π mm mrad and the intra-pulse and inter-pulse current fluctuations are <3mA. We present the detailed algorithm, testing methodology, results achieved and encountered challenges posed by the dimensionality of the problem, hysteresis and evolving state of the system. |