THP076  ポスター②  8月1日 3F交流室A 13:00-15:00
Resistive wall impedance evaluation and single bunch instability simulation for TiZrV and dense Pd coatings
○石橋 拓弥,金 秀光(KEK加速器)
○Takuya Ishibashi, Xiuguang Jin (KEK Accelerator Laboratory)
In beam pipes used in accelerators, the surface is sometimes coated with a low PSD material to limit gas desorption. TiZrV alloy is well known as a non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating material, and the photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) can be reduced by applying the coating to the beam pipe surface. It is also known that a dense Pd coating on the surface can reduce PSD. The DC resistivity of this coating is about an order of magnitude lower than that of TiZrV, which can also contribute to beam impedance reduction in accelerators. Therefore, we evaluated the resistive wall impedance of TiZrV and Pd coatings using Impedance Wake 2D (IW2D) and the effect of the coatings on single bunch instability using PyHEADTAIL for a future light source Hybrid Ring and a future lepton collider FCC-ee.