THOT07  ビーム診断・ビーム制御/粒子源  8月1日 テルサホール 10:50-11:10
Generation of a low-emittance electron beam with multi-bunch structure using a wide-band radio-frequency amplifier pulser and a high-impedance beam chopper
○渡川 和晃,前坂 比呂和,Goryashko Vitaliy,田中 均(理研),前平 晃太郎,竹村 育浩,林田 寿和(スプリングエイトサービス株式会社)
○Kazuaki Togawa, Hirokazu Maesaka, Vitaliy Goryashko, Hitoshi Tanaka (RIKEN), Koutarou Maehira, Yasuhiro Takemura, Toshikazu Hayashida (SPring-8 Service Co., Ltd.)
At the SPring-8 campus, an R&D program on an advanced electron injector for the X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facility SACLA has started. The electron injector comprises a pulsed high-voltage DC gun and a nanosecond chopper to extract a short beam for SACLA operation. Recently, a new beam chopper system has been developed. It consists of a wide-band radio-frequency amplifier pulser and a high-impedance stripline chamber, and aims at enhancing the stability and flexibility of XFEL operation. Taking the advantage of arbitrary wave amplification, the generation of a low-emittance electron beam with multi-bunch structure has been successfully demonstrated at the gun test stand. This development marks a significant milestone, paving the way for new modes of SACLA operation, future SACLA upgrades for high-repetition-rate operation, and flexible time structures of XFEL radiation pulses for user experiments.