FRP095  ポスター③  8月2日 3Fホワイエ 10:00-12:00
Status of the highly charged ion beam production from the RIKEN 18GHz ECRIS
○Glynnismae Saquilayan, Yoshihide Higurashi, Takashi Nagatomo, Osamu Kamigaito (RIKEN Nishina Center Accelerator Group Ion Source Team)
Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS) provide highly charged intense beams for the RI Beam Facility (RIBF) at RIKEN. One of the high-performance ion sources is the R-18GHz ECRIS where heavy ions of 40Ar11+, 84Kr20+, and 129Xe25+ are being accelerated and injected to the Azimuthally Varying Field (AVF) cyclotron. With the demand for more intense ion beams, optimization of ECR parameters and techniques to increase beam intensity have been used. Biased-disk position and dependence on RF power and gas pressure have been investigated to determine the conditions for increased beam intensity. For highly-charged state ion production, gas mixing effect on the charge state distribution was also investigated. Experiments at RIBF also requires high beam intensity of light ions (He2+, O6+). Since the performance of R-18GHz ECRIS has been optimized for highly charged heavy ions, lighter ion beams have been observed to have wider beam profiles. This requires the adjustment of the extraction system to ensure good beam quality of the extracted light ions. A pepper pot emittance monitor has been recently installed for a systematic study of the beam dynamics of these high intensity beams.