FRP083 ポスター③ 8月2日 3F交流室A 10:00-12:00 |
BPMとQマグネットを分離する新しいサポート |
New support for BPM to separate from Q-Magnet |
○姚 慕蠡,照井 真司,植木 竜一,白井 満,山岡 広,柴田 恭,末次 祐介,石橋 拓弥,大澤 康伸,古澤 将司,川本 崇,大西 幸喜,増澤 美佳,中村 衆(KEK) |
○Mulee Yao, Shinji Terui, Ryuichi Ueki, Mitsuru Shirai, Hiroshi Yamaoka, Kyo Shibata, Yusuke Suetsugu, Takuya Ishibashi, Yasunobu Ohsawa, Masashi Furusawa, Takashi Kawamoto, Yukiyoshi Ohnishi, Mika Masuzawa, Shu Nakamura (KEK) |
In SuperKEKB, the beam orbit distortion was found to be positively correlated with the beam current. It was found that in the electron ring (HER) the injection efficiency was improved by the correction of the horizontal beam orbit in the Local Chromaticity Correction region where a pair of strong sextupole magnets is installed. One of the possible causes is the dipole kick from Q-magnet generated by the deformation of the beam pipe. Since the beam pipe with beam position monitor (BPM) are fixed to the Q-magnet, the position of the Q-magnet will also be shifted when the beam pipe is deformed by SR heating. Besides, the β function in this region is large, so even a small kick can cause a large orbit distortion. Therefore, a new support was designed for BPM to separate it from Q-magnet. A prototype was produced and installed for the BPM at the Q-magnet QLY3LE in HER. During the shutdown period, the temperature of the cooling water was adjusted to observe the deformation of the beam pipes and Q-magnets to check their relation. During operation from February 2024, the preliminary results showed that the new support successfully prevented the Q-magnet from moving with the beam current. |