FRP054  ポスター③  8月2日 2Fリハーサル室 10:00-12:00
Rise-time improvement for solid-state pulsed power generators
○李 汶茜,須貝 太一,德地 明,江 偉華(長岡技術科学大学)
○Wenqian Li, Taichi Sugai, Akira Tokuchi, Weihua Jiang (Nagaoka University of Technology)
In this study, the sharpening capacitor is used to increase the rise speed of the pulse, while the semiconductor switch is used to accurately control the charging and discharging process of the circuit, and the switch is chosen to be a semiconductor switch mosfet with high performance, which achieves a significant reduction in the rise time of the pulse. In the circuit design, the sharpening capacitor is charged by switch S1 control. The function of switch S2 is to close when the current of the inductor L matches the current of the load R, so as to release the energy stored in the sharpened capacitor C2 at the optimal time and realize a fast and effective pulse discharge. The simulation results show that the pulse rise time of the improved circuit is significantly better than that of the conventional CLR circuit under ideal conditions, thus verifying the effectiveness of the design. The experimental part compares and analyzes the impulse response performance of the two circuits by setting a conventional CLR circuit under the same conditions as a control group.