FRP051 ポスター③ 8月2日 2Fリハーサル室 10:00-12:00 |
改良型cERL入射部プロトタイプカップラーの20kW CW 大電力試験の結果 |
High power test results of modified cERL injector prototype coupler up to 20kW in continuous wave mode operation |
○Nama Pragya(総合研究大学院大学),Kumar Ashish,Miura Takako,Umemori Kensei,Sakai Hiroshi,Kako Eiji,Arakawa Dai(高エネルギー加速器研究機構) |
○Pragya Nama (SOKENDAI), Ashish Kumar, Takako Miura, Kensei Umemori, Hiroshi Sakai, Eiji Kako, Dai Arakawa (KEK) |
Fundamental power couplers are in SRF accelerators transfer RF power to the accelerating cavities, but high-power continuous wave (CW) mode operation generates significant thermal heat load. To address this, the cERL injector prototype coupler’s warm section was modified, including active water cooling for inner and outer conductor, and switching from copper-coated stainless steel to oxygen-free copper for the inner conductor. These changes effectively reduced thermal load: the increase in inner conductor’s temperature dropped from 128 degree C to 3 degree C whereas the increase in outer conductor’s temperature dropped from 57 degree C to 4.7 degree C at 20kW power level in continuous wave (CW) mode. Overall coupler’s temperature also decreased due to improved conduction cooling, demonstrating a highly effective approach to mitigating thermal load in critical coupler components. |