FRP015  ポスター③  8月2日 1F大会議室 10:00-12:00
Beam measurements of the 2-MHz oscillations at J-PARC LINAC
○チーチェック エルシン,方 志高,福井 佑治,二ツ川 健太,宮尾 智章,溝端 仁志,柴田 崇統(高エネ研),神谷 潤一郎,守屋 克洋(原子力機構),佐藤 福克(NAT)
○Ersin Cicek, Zhigao Fang, Yuji Fukui, Kenta Futatsukawa, Tomoaki Miyao, Satoshi Mizobata, Takanori Shibata (KEK), Junichiro Kamiya, Katsuhiro Moriya (JAEA), Yoshikatsu Sato (NAT)
Recent studies have highlighted the potential impact of 2-MHz and 4-MHz oscillations, associated with the Ion Source RF power, can lead to emittance growth in the beam, thus limiting the maximum power operation at J-PARC. In this study, we employ a µTCA.4-based beam monitor digitizer to measure oscillations within both the beam core and halo components, aiming to elucidate this phenomenon. Upon analyzing beam position monitors (BPMs) data, we detected variations with 2-MHz and 4-MHz components. Notably, the analysis of the BPM monitor data also revealed that the beam positions vary with 2 MHz. Furthermore, we investigate whether the beam core or halo oscillates at 2 MHz by measuring the time structure of the beam halo utilizing a wire scanner monitor at MEBT2 of the LINAC. Our findings confirm the presence of 2-MHz and 4-MHz variations within the halo component of the beam. This study presents the results of these investigations.