TUP16  ポスター①  8月29日 14号館1431教室 13:30-15:30
Design of a combined-function quadrupole-sextupole magnet for HiSOR-II
○LU YAO,加藤 政博(広島大),島田 美帆,宮内 洋司(高エネ研)
○Yao Lu, Masahiro Katoh (HiSOR), Miho Shimada, Hiroshi Miyauchi (KEK)
HiSOR-II is a low-energy storage ring and is under designing for the future plan at Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center. A compact lattice is desired to reduce the cost and space, which requires combined-function magnet components. In this paper, a combined-function quadrupole-sextupole magnet for the beam focusing and chromaticity correction is introduced. We proposed two different designs using auxiliary coil and pole profile adjustment, respectively. The magnet field is calculated using Poisson and Radia. Both designs have been optimized to meet the magnetic field requirement.