TUOP04  合同セッション  8月29日 13号館1325/1326教室 11:10-11:40
Beam commissioning and isotope purification for FRIB user experiments
○福島 慧,Hausmann Marc,Hwang Kyung,丸田 朋史,Ostroumov Peter,Plastun Alexander,Portillo Mauricio,Sherrill Bradley,Steiner Mathias,Tarasov Oleg,Zhang Tong,Zhao Qiang(FRIB, MSU)
○Kei Fukushima, Marc Hausmann, Kyung Hwang, Tomofumi Maruta, Peter Ostroumov, Alexander Plastun, Mauricio Portillo, Bradley Sherrill, Mathias Steiner, Oleg Tarasov, Tong Zhang, Qiang Zhao (FRIB, MSU)
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) consists of a superconducting driver linac and a secondary beam separator for user experiments in nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, etc. The FRIB linac is designed to accelerate all stable ions for up to 400kW at energies of 200MeV/u or above, and the Advanced Rare Isotope Separator (ARIS) collects and purifies the rare isotope fragments of interest. ARIS comprises a vertical pre-separator and a horizontal separator section and supports various operational modes, including momentum compression using a wedge shape degrader. After the completion of the linac commissioning in January 2022, the commissioning of ARIS was conducted. The first user experiments started in May 2022, and the Program Advisory Committee phase 1 (PAC1) experiments continue to operate with power ramp-up in between. We performed the beam tuning with on-the-fly numerical simulations and demonstrated particle identification of fragments for users. Results and findings obtained from commissioning and early operation will be reported.