THP33  ポスター③  8月31日 14号館1441教室 13:30-15:30
KEK LUCX 施設でのデジタル LLRF フィードバックの開発、実装、テスト
Digital LLRF feedbacks development, implementation and test at KEK LUCX facility
○ポポフ コンスタンティン(SOKENDAI, School of High Energy Accelerator Science),アリシェフ アレクサンダー,照沼 伸宏(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
○Konstantin Popov (SOKENDAI, School of High Energy Accelerator Science), Alexander Aryshev, Nobuhiro Terunuma (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
High Demand for stability, accuracy, reproducibility and monitoring capability were placed on accelerators LLRF systems, because of fundamental and applied experimental requirements. Meanwhile, availability of FPGA boards became better during last two decades. Nowadays, it is possible to implement FPGA based LLRF feedback using boards with low-bandwidth ADC&DAC. There are two options to implement feedback into the LLRF system. The first option employs external I/Q demodulator, I/Q signals digitization, phase and amplitude calculation, buffering into DDR memory, PI feedback, I/Q modulation and RF signal regeneration. This approach does not require an expensive, highly stable slave oscillator or slave signal generator to down-convert picked-up signals from RF cavity. The second option is almost the same, but I/Q demodulator is implemented into the FPGA logic. Both approaches were implemented and tested at KEK LUCX facility. This report presents feedbacks’ performance results. Also, technical details of the feedback implementation into the KEK LUCX facility LLRF system are discussed.