WEP033 ポスター② 10月19日 会議室P 13:00-15:00 |
Medium Grainニオブを用いた超伝導加速空洞の製造と評価 |
Fabrication of 1.3GHz SRF elliptical cavities using medium grain niobium discs directly sliced from forged ingot |
○道前 武,阿部 慶子,井上 均,Ashish Kumar,道園 真一郎,佐伯 学行,梅森 健成,渡邉 勇一,山本 明,山中 将,吉田 孝一(KEK),Lannoy Nathan,Arnel Fajardo(ATI Specialty Alloys and Components),Myneni Ganapati(Jefferson Lab) |
○Takeshi Dohmae, Keiko Abe, Hitoshi Inoue, Kumar Ashish, Shinichiro Michizono, Takayuki Saeki, Kensei Umemori, Yuichi Watanabe, Akira Yamamoto, Masashi Yamanaka, Kouichi Yoshida (KEK), Nathan Lannoy, Fajardo Arnel (ATI Specialty Alloys and Components), Ganapati Myneni (Jefferson Lab) |
Medium grain (MG) niobium disc which is directly sliced from forged ingot is newly investigated for the SRF cavity material. An effective cost reduction can be achieved using MG niobium since rolling process which is necessary for typical niobium sheet can be skipped during MG niobium production. Grain size of MG niobium is much smaller than large grain (LG) niobium directly sliced from melted niobium ingot. Hence, the formability of MG niobium is much better than LG niobium. KEK had fabricated two 1.3 GHz single cell cavity using MG niobium. In this talk, characteristic of MG niobium during fabrication and RF test results will be reported. |