WEOB06 加速器技術(高周波源・LLRF) 10月19日 会議室B 15:30-15:50 |
KEKLUCXファシリティFPGAベースのLLRF位相および振幅フィードバック開発ステータスレポート |
KEK LUCX facility FPGA based LLRF phase and amplitude feedback development status report |
○ポポフ コンスタンチン,アリシェフ アレクサンダー(KEK, SOKENDAI),--(KEK),--(KEK, SOKENDAI) |
○Konstantin Popov, Alexander Aryshev (KEK, SOKENDAI), Junji Urakawa (KEK), Terunuma Nobuhiro (KEK, SOKENDAI) |
KEK LUCX facility is linear accelerator technology and beam instrumentation R&D test-bench for the ILC, KEK-ATF and any other present and future KEK accelerators. New LLRF phase and amplitude feedback based on FPGA board is under development at KEK LUCX facility. RedPitaya 125-14 (also known as STEMLab 125-14) FPGA board was chosen as the development board because of its high specifications* and affordable price**. The LLRF feedback loop includes digitization of down-converted RF signal, I/Q demodulation, PI controller for I and Q terms corrections calculation, I/Q modulation and RF signal regeneration. This report presents the LLRF feedback development and implementation status. Also, the technical issues of the feedback implementation into LLRF system of the KEK LUCX accelerator are discussed. |