WEOB05 加速器技術(真空)/加速器土木・放射線防護 10月19日 会議室B 10:20-10:40 |
ILCにおける持続可能なエネルギーマネジメント、その2 |
Study on sustainable energy management system in ILC, Part-II |
○吉岡 正和(岩手大学・岩手県立大学),狩野 徹(岩手県立大学),成田 晋也(岩手大学),平井 貞義,上田 理絵(NTTファシリティーズ),川端 康夫(飛島建設・土木部),澤井 淳司(三井住友建設・土木部),大平 尚(岩手県庁) |
○Masakazu Yoshioka (Iwate Univ., Iwate Prefectural University), Toru Kano (Iwate Prefectural University), Shinya Narita (Iwate University), Sadayoshi Hirai, Rie Ueda (NTT Facilities, INC., Urban Planning & Development Division, Customer Solution Headquarters), Yasuo Kawabata (TOBISHIMA CORPORATION, Civil Engineering Divisionvelopment Division, Customer Solution Headquarters), Junji Sawai (Sumitomo Mitsu Construction Co., Ltd. Civil Engineering Division), Hisashi Odaira (Iwate Prefectural Office) |
This paper is part 2 of a paper submitted to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Accelerator Society of Japan. The previous paper summarized and introduced the basic concept of Green ILC activities in the Tohoku region and specific activities in line with this concept. Since then, both domestic and international policies have been announced with the specific goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Naturally, Green ILC activities must also be based on specific numerical targets in line with these policies. The activities are organized into following three categories. (1) Promotion of energy-saving technologies and their return to society. (2) Increase the ratio of renewable energy in cooperation with local communities and improve energy management technologies such as waste heat recovery. (3) Efforts to enhance absorption of global warming gases derived from human activities in cooperation with local communities; to achieve this goal, it is important to make agriculture, forestry, and fisheries smarter, and the construction and long-term operation of the ILC must serve these goals. This paper will report in detail on item (3) in particular. |