WEOB04  加速器技術(真空)/加速器土木・放射線防護  10月19日 会議室B 10:00-10:20
吸着式蓄熱材を用いた大型加速器からの排熱利用に関する研究(3) ~放熱装置・蓄熱装置の改良~
Study of utilizing waste heat from a large-scale accelerator with adsorption thermal storage materials (3) - modification of heat storage and radiation devices -
○水戸谷 剛,赤堀 卓央,佐々木 明日香(東日本機電開発株式会社),鈴木 正哉,万福 和子(産業技術総合研究所),小久保 孝,谷野 正幸,佐藤 現,村岡 慎一(高砂熱学工業株式会社),高橋 福巳,姉帶 康則(株式会社WING),大平 尚(岩手県),吉岡 正和,成田 晋也(岩手大学)
○Goh Mitoya, Takao Akabori, Asuka Sasaki (HKK), Masaya Suzuki, Kazuko Manpuku (AIST), Takashi Kokubo, Masayuki Tanino, Gen Sato, Shinnichi Muraoka (Takasago Thermal Engineering Co., Ltd.), Fukumi Takahashi, Yasunori Anetai (WING Co., Ltd.), Hisashi Odaira (Iwate Prefectural Office), Masakazu Yoshioka, Shinya Narita (Iwate University)
The International Linear Collider (ILC) is being considered for construction in Japan, and Iwate Prefecture is a candidate site. The energy supplied to an accelerator such as the ILC is dissipated as low-grade heat in the end. In addition, exhaust heat from factories and hot springs in this region is unused and discarded. Now recovery and utilization of these heat resources are expected to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. Therefore, we have been studying the establishing an off-line heat transport system using a portable case in a mountainous area with low population density, considering the regional characteristics of Iwate Prefecture. We have been developing the heat recovery and utilization system using the material, HASClay, which stores heat by adsorbing water vapor. We have conducted a field test using the HASClay to recover heat from hot springs and use it to heat greenhouses. As a result, we have demonstrated that the amount of fuel used for heating in the greenhouses can be reduced. In this paper, we report the updated results of the field test using the heat storage and radiation devices which has been modified considering the previous study.