TUP031 ポスター① 10月18日 会議室P 13:30-15:30 |
Furnace bakingによる超伝導加速空洞の高性能化 |
High-performance superconducting accelerating cavities via furnace baking process |
○井藤 隼人,荒木 隼人,梅森 健成(KEK),髙橋 光太郎(総合研究大学院大学) |
○Hayato Ito, Hayato Araki, Kensei Umemori (KEK), Kotaro Takahashi (SOKENDAI) |
We report the influence of a new baking process called furnace baking on the performance of superconducting accelerating cavities in terms of accelerating gradient and Q-value. Baking is applied to the cavity in a vacuum furnace at temperatures ranging from 200C to 800C as the final step of cavity surface treatment. We find that the accelerating gradient and Q-value vary with different baking temperatures, especially furnace baking at temperatures ranging from 250C to 400C produces cavities with extremely high Q-value and lower accelerating gradient than the standard cavity, similar to those obtained by N-doping. In a more recent development, we find that baking at 200C can achieve a higher Q-value while maintaining the accelerating gradient comparable to those of the standard cavity. We report the results of a detailed investigation on the performance of these cavities. |