TUP008 ポスター① 10月18日 会議室P 13:30-15:30 |
TiZrV、Ag、Pdコーティング膜の放射光刺激脱離評価 |
Synchrotron radiation-stimulated desorption studies for TiZrV, Ag and Pd coating films |
○金 秀光,谷本 育律,内山 隆司,本田 融(高エネルギー加速器研究機構) |
○Xiuguang Jin, Yasunori Tanimoto, Takashi Uchiyama, Tohru Honda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) |
Gas desorption due to synchrotron radiation (SR) stimulation is the main outgassing source in operation of the particle accelerator. Non-evaporable getter (NEG) coating films are known to reduce gas desorption in response to SR, and the pumping surface seemed to be the main reason. The aim of this study was to clarify mechanism by which the desorption of gases form NEG films reduced. TiZrV, Ag and Pd films were prepared using a magnetron sputtering on Cu substrates. After heating at 180 °C for 24h, TiZrV films exhibits pumping while Ag films do not. However, both films showed similar desorption yields indicating that the pumping surface had little effect on the gas desorption. Compared with commercial Cu, coating films had lower desorption yields. The lower gas desorption was probably attributed to the coating process, which led less impure films. In addition, less oxide in the activated TiZrV surface and Ag surface also contributed to lower desorption yields. Pd films also depicted the possibility of further decrease of the desorption yield. This study supports new applications, e.g. introduction of coating films on the absorbers, collimators, to reduce the gas desorption. |