TUP003 ポスター① 10月18日 会議室P 13:30-15:30 |
J-PARC 3GeVにおける400MeV負水素イオンのレーザー荷電変換原理検証実験の状況 |
Status of POP demonstration of 400 MeV H- laser stripping at J-PARC RCS |
○サハ プラナブ,原田 寛之,金正 倫計(原子力機構, J-PARC センター),米田 仁紀,道根 百合奈(電通大, レーザー研),佐藤 篤(NAT),柴田 崇統(KEK) |
○Pranab Saha, Hiroyuki Harada, Michikazu Kinsho (JAEA, J-PARC), Hitoki Yoneda, Yurina Michine (UEC, ILS), Atsushi Sato (NAT), Takanori Shibata (KEK) |
To overcome the realistic issues and practical limitations associated with H- charge-exchange injection done by using a solid stripper foil, we proposed a foil less H- charge-exchange injection system by using only lasers. To establish our method, we are preparing for a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H- stripping to proton by using lasers at J-PARC. The R&D of the laser systems is in progress through experimental studies of 3 MeV H- neutralization. To sufficiently reduce the seed laser power, a multi-reflection laser cavity system has been developed and also been tested to achieve 17% neutralization efficiency by using only 8 micro Joule seeder laser energy. The laser system including the cavity are further developed to increase the stripping efficiency, where the goal is more than 90%. The next study at 3 MeV will be carried out in June 2022. The preparation of laser system setup near the 400 MeV H- beam transport of J-PARC Linac, remote laser transport and control systems including the H- beam manipulation are in progress. The POP demonstration 400 MeV H- stripping is planned to start at the end of 2022. |