FROA07 ハドロン加速器②/加速器技術(加速構造)① 10月21日 会議室A 11:10-11:30 |
加速器駆動未臨界システム用の30-MWビーム輸送ラインの堅牢でコンパクトな設計 |
Robust and compact design of a 30-MW beam transport line for an accelerator-driven subcritical system |
○イーレンドン ブルース,近藤 恭弘,田村 潤,中野 敬太,前川 藤夫,明午 伸一郎(JAEA) |
○Bruce Yee-rendon, Yasuhiro Kondo, Jun Tamura, Keita Nakano, Fujio Maekawa, Shininchiro Meigo (JAEA) |
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency accelerator-driven subcritical system (JAEA-ADS) pursues the reduction of nuclear waste by transmuting minor actinides. JAEA-ADS project drives a 30MW proton beam to a lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) spallation target to produce neutrons for a subcritical core reactor. To this end, the JAEA-ADS beam transport line (BTL) must provide a suitable beam profile and stable beam power to the beam window of the spallation target to avoid high-thermal stress in the target and reactor components. The JAEA-ADS BTL was optimized by tracking a large number of macroparticles to mitigate the beam loss in the region outside the reactor, performance with high stability in the presence of errors, and fulfill the length requirement. This work presents the design and the beam dynamics studies of the first scheme of the BTL for the JAEA-ADS project. |