WEP020  ハドロン加速器/ビームダイナミクス・加速器理論  8月11日 会議室P 13:10 - 15:10
J-PARC 3GeVにおけるレーザー荷電変換入射実現に向けた原理検証実験の進捗状況
Recent Progress of Laser Stripping POP Demonstration Study at J-PARC RCS
○サハ プラナブ,原田 寛之,金正 倫計(原子力機構, J-PARC センター),米田 仁紀,道根 百合奈,渕 葵(電通大, レーザー研),佐藤 篤(NAT),柴田 崇統(KEK)
○Pranab Saha, Hiroyuki Harada, Michikazu Kinsho (JAEA, J-PARC), Kinsho Kinsho, Yurina Michine, Aoi Fuchi (UEC), Atsushi Sato (NAT), Takanori Shibata (KEK)
We are preparing for a POP (proof-of-principle) demonstration of 400 MeV H- stripping to proton by using only lasers at J-PARC RCS. We will utilize both IR and UV lasers in a three step process of stripping an H- to proton. The laser system especially a prototype of the IR laser, which is a YAG laser is under development through experimental studies of 3 MeV H- neutralization at J-PARC. We have also developed a multi-pass laser cavity system to significantly reduce the seed laser power. We have also started developing the a UV laser and we plan to carry out first stage of the POP demonstration in 2022.