WEOA08 加速構造②/レーザー 8月11日 会議室A 11:30 - 11:50 |
レーザーコンプトン散乱に向けた自発共鳴型光蓄積共振器の開発 |
○山下 洸輝,小柴 裕也,鷲尾 方一(早大理工総研),アリシェフ アレクサンダー,浦川 順治,大森 恒彦,照沼 信浩,福田 将史,本田 洋介(高エネ研),上杉 祐貴,菅原 直人(東北大多元研),坂上 和之(東大光量子研),高橋 徹(広大先進理工),保坂 勇志(量研) |
○Koki Yamashita, Yuya Koshiba, Masakazu Washio (WISE, Waseda Univ.), Alexander Aryshev, Junji Urakawa, Tsunehiko Omori, Nobuhiro Terunuma, Masafumi Fukuda, Yosuke Honda (KEK), Yuuki Uesugi, Naoto Sugawara (IMRAM, Tohoku UNiv.), Kazuyuki Sakaue (UT-PSC), Tohru Takahashi (AdSE, Hiroshima Univ.), Yuji Hosaka (QST) |
Laser-Compton scattering light sources have possibility to generate high quality X- or gamma-rays comparable to large synchrotron facilities with a small laboratory size device, but higher brightness is required for practical use. Therefore, optical cavities, in which laser pulses are accumulated and enhanced, are widely used to increase the number of scattered photons. However, to accumulate laser in a cavity with very high enhancement factor, extremely precise control of cavity length is required to maintain resonance condition and has been a technical issue in developing high enhancement cavities. In order to overcome this issue, we have been developing a self-resonating optical cavity. This cavity is based on a new idea that the system spontaneously selects a wavelength that satisfies the resonance condition, by installing an optical cavity in the outer loop of laser oscillator. Therefore, any active feedback is unnecessary and laser pulses can resonate stably in the cavity with extremely high enhancement factor. In this conference, we will report the current status and future prospects of our self-resonating optical cavity. |