TUP003 加速器応用・産業利用/粒子源 8月10日 会議室P 12:50 - 14:50 |
At-211製造用ビームスキャニングシステムの開発 |
Development of a beam scanning system for At-211 production |
○ZHAO HANG,福田 光宏,依田 哲彦,神田 浩樹,安田 祐介,Koay Hui Wen,友野 大,畑中 吉治,斎藤 高嶺,森信 俊平,森田 泰之,武田 佳次郎,原 隆文,荘 浚謙(阪大RCNP) |
○Hang Zhao, Mitsuhiro Fukuda, Tetsuhiko Yorita, Hiroki Kanda, Yusuke Yasuda, Hui Wen Koay, Dai Tomono, Kichiji Hatanaka, Takane Saitou, Shunpei Morinobu, Yasuyuki Morita, Keijiro Takeda, Takafumi Hara, Him Chong Tsun (RCNP) |
Targeted alpha therapy(TAT), which is capable of killing cancer cell only, has become a kind of extremely efficient therapeutic method of advanced cancer. In this therapy, radiopharmaceutical containing radioactive Isotope At-211 is injected intravenously and delivered to a tumor, transported to the inside of cancer cells then release alpha ray to kill them accurately. Actually, concerning the decay in the time from production to dosing, it is necessary to mass-produce At-211 of more than 1GBq. For purpose of that, we need to irradiate Bi-209 target for several hours with 30MeV(on target: 29MeV) 4He2+ ion beam of over 30μA, which means development of a scanning technology with a beam of approximately 1kW power is required. Considering that the melting point of Bi target is 271.5℃, several methods are under consideration, such as cooling and keeping the Bi target under the melting point while scanning, or heating and keeping the Bi target melted then irradiate from diagonally above. Therefore, we are aiming for the development of a beam scanning system for At-211 mass-production via Bi-209(α,2n) At-211 reaction, in consideration of beam control and target handling. |