WEPP57 ポスターセッション① 9月2日 ポスター会場 12:40-14:40 |
ILCにおける持続可能なエネルギーマネジメントの研究 |
Study on a sustainable energy management system for the ILC |
○吉岡 正和(岩手大学、岩手県立大学),狩野 徹(岩手県立大学),成田 晋也(岩手大学),大平 尚(岩手県庁),平井 貞義(NTTファシリティーズ・ビジネスソリューション・東北支店),川端 康夫(飛島建設土木部),澤井 淳司(三井住友建設土木部) |
○Masakazu Yoshioka (Iwate University, Iwate Prefectural University), Toru Kano (Iwate Prefectural University), Shinya Narita (Iwate University), Hisashi Odaira (Iwate Prefectural Office), Sadayoshi Hirai (NTT FACILITIES, INC., Solution Business Department, Tohoku Branch), Yasuo Kawabata (TOBISHIMA CORPORATION, Civil Engineering Devision), Junji Sawai (Sumitomo Mitsu Construction Co., Ltd. Civil Engineering Division) |
The large accelerator facility is also a large electric power load facility. In that sense, the largest accelerator in Japan was TRISTAN with maximum contracted power and annual power consumption of 96 MW and 500 million kWh, respectively. For TRISTAN, electricity was received from the commercial grid and the waste heat, which was the final stage of energy flow, was released into the air in the cooling tower. However, in recent years, sustainable energy management of large accelerator facilities has become a prerequisite for their acceptance by society. Since ILC uses more power than TRISTAN, facility design should be based on that idea. In this paper, we discuss not only electric power, but also general and comprehensive management of electric power and thermal energy based on the characteristics of the candidate site of ILC. Energy sources including commercial electricity will be comprehensively taken in, such as co-generation, seasonal solar heat utilization, heat utilization of unused biomass and waste thermal energy recovery. Then, we propose to create an innovative energy management system triggered by ILC. |