WEPP56 ポスターセッション① 9月2日 ポスター会場 12:40-14:40 |
大型加速器建設におけるUAVレーザー計測及び赤色立体地図の利活用検討 |
Studying the utilization of UAV laser survey and a Red Relief Image Map (RRIM) in the construction of a large accelerator |
○寺澤 弘陽,高野 裕司(アジア航測株式会社 社会インフラマネジメント事業部 PPP/PFI推進室),橋本 貴之(アジア航測株式会社 センシング技術統括部 MMS・UAV計測室),川端 康正(アジア航測株式会社 東北インフラマネジメント技術部 地域創生一課),沖田 潤一郎(元岩手県 ILC推進局 事業推進課),大平 尚(岩手県 理事),成田 晋也,吉岡 正和(岩手大学) |
○Hiroaki Terasawa, Yuji Takano (PPP/PFI Promotion office , Social Infrastructure Management Division, ASIA AIR SURVEY CO., LTD.), Takayuki Hashimoto (MMS/UAV Survey Office, Survey Technologies Dept., ASIA AIR SURVEY CO., LTD.), Yasumasa Kawabata (Regional Creation Section No.1, Tohoku Infrastructure Management Dept., ASIA AIR SURVEY CO., LTD.), Junichiro Okita (Project Promotion Division, Bureau of ILC Promotion, Iwate Prefectural Government(until march 2020)), Hisashi Odaira (Chair, Iwate Prefectural Government), Shinya Narita, Masakazu Yoshioka (Iwate University) |
The International linear collider (ILC) is the world’s largest and most advanced electron-positron collider with a total length of 20 km, and its candidate site is Kitakami mountainous area in Tohoku. The construction of ILC involves the establishment of related ground surface facilities such as an onsite campus, an access road, and an access tunnel entrance, in addition to the collider itself. In this research, while mainly assuming the establishment of an access tunnel entrance facility, we created a red relief image map (RRIM) through UAV laser survey in the ILC candidate site and verified its effect on the detailed facility arrangement study. The UAV laser survey was conducted in prefectural forests of Iwate Prefecture in 2019. The RRIM created based on the survey data made it possible to grasp the ground surface, angle of the slope, collapsed lands, forest roads hidden by trees, traces of an old charcoal kiln. In addition, with the longitudinal and traverse figures and contour lines obtained from the survey data, we considered it possible to conduct the study of the facility location and the arrangement plan appropriately and efficiently. |