THPP21 ポスターセッション② 9月3日 ポスター会場 13:10-15:10 |
Raspberry Pi を用いたEPICS制御システムのリアルタイム性能試験 |
Real time capability test on the Raspberry Pi based EPICS controller |
○王 迪(総研大 加速器科学),古川 和朗,佐々木 信哉,佐藤 政則,帯名 崇,榎本 嘉範(高エネルギー加速器研究機構) |
○Di Wang (SOKENDAI Accelerator Science), Kazuro Furukawa, Shinya Sasaki, Masanori Satoh, Takashi Obina, Yoshinori Enomoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) |
Raspberry Pi is an optional and popular solution in building the EPICS Input/output Controller (IOC) owing to its high flexibility, expansion capability and affordability. However, the requirement of the device real time capability is critical in the SuperKEKB accelerator since the special demand of the timing system. To assess the possibility of Raspberry Pi based IOC within a 50 Hz beam repetition rate, we perform a latency test on the Raspberry Pi and compare the standard kernel and real time kernel. |