THPP01 ポスターセッション② 9月3日 ポスター会場 13:10-15:10 |
IFMIF/EVEDA原型加速器(LIPAc)のRFQ長パルス試験用オプティクスの再設計 |
Re-optimization of optics for beam commissioning of phase-B+ at LIPAc |
○下崎 義人,春日井 敦,近藤 恵太郎,坂本 慶司,杉本 昌義,増田 開(量研/六ヶ所),小林 仁,小林 幸則,高山 健,中村 典雄,山口 誠哉(KEK),Cara Philippe(IFMIF/EVEDA PT),Dzitko Herve,Gex Dominique ,Carin Yann(F4E),Oliver Concepcion,Podadera Ivan(CIEMAT),Bellan Luca,Comunian Michele(INFN-LNL),Chauvin Nicolas(CEA/Caclay) |
○Yoshito Shimosaki, Atsushi Kasugai, Keitaro Kondo, Keishi Sakamoto, Masayoshi Sugimoto, Kai Masuda (QST/Rokkasho), Hitoshi Kobayashi, Yukinori Kobayashi, Ken Takayama, Norio Nakamura, Seiya Yamaguchi (KEK), Philippe Cara (IFMIF/EVEDA PT), Herve Dzitko, Dominique Gex, Yann Carin (F4E), Concepcion Oliver, Ivan Podadera (CIEMAT), Luca Bellan, Michele Comunian (INFN-LNL), Nicolas Chauvin (CEA/Caclay) |
The installation and commissioning of the LIPAc, which is the prototype accelerator to validate the low energy stage of IFMIF, are in progress under the Broader Approach agreement concluded between the Government of Japan and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). The commissioning of the phase B, completed on August 2019, is followed by the next scenario, phase B+. One of the main purposes of the phase B+ is to validate the CW operation of the RFQ with a 125mA 5MeV deuteron beam, before installing the SRF Linac for the coming scenario, phase-C. For the phase-B+, 4 quadrupole magnets, 2 steering magnets and 2 BPMs have been installed at the position of the SRF Linac. In the initial design, 2 power supplies were planned to drive these 4 quadrupoles in order to simply install the phase B+ components. But, experiments uncompleted in the phase-B is carried over to the phase-B+, and it was found in the simulation that 2 power supplies for 4 quadrupoles are insufficient to suppress the beam loss for these experiments. So, additional 2 power supplies are introduced to increase the magnetic freedom and the re-design of the phase-B+ has been performed. |