WEPH010  LLRF  7月31日 百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホール 13:30-15:30
cERL 9 セル空洞のマイクロフォニックスの状況
Status of microphnics on cERL nine-cell cavities
○邱 丰,三浦 孝子,松本 利広,阪井 寛志,梅森 健成,許斐 太郎(高エネルギー加速器研究機構)
○Feng Qiu, Takako Miura, Toshihiro Matsumoto, Hiroshi Sakai, Kensei Umemori, Taro Konomi (KEK)
In the main linac (ML) of the KEK-cERL, two nine-cell superconducting cavities (ML1 and ML2) with very high loaded Q (Q_{L}>1e7) are operated in continuous wave (CW) mode. Because of the narrow bandwidth of these cavities, the microphonics detuning have a significant impact on the achievable field stability and rf power requirements. In this paper, we have analyzed the microphonics performance of the ML cavities. According to our study, the performance of the microphonics on ML1 cavity suffered from degradation after year 2016. On the other hand, the ML2 cavity always maintains good performance in the past five years.