FRPI007  加速構造  8月2日 国際科学イノベーション棟5階 ホワイエ 10:50-12:50
Wakefield damping in the dielectric assist accelerating structure
○森 紳悟,吉田 光宏(KEK),佐藤 大輔(AIST)
○Shingo Mori, Mitsuhiro Yoshida (KEK), Daisuke Satoh (AIST)
The dielectric-assist accelerating (DAA) structure is a dielectric-inserted Normal-conducting cavity, which provides high Q value at room temperature. This cavity has potential to apply for a long-pulse and high-duty accelerator which can provide high average current. In the high current accelerator, the wakefield from the transverse beam offset Causes the emittance growth. We consider several options to dump the wakefield by modifying a radius of the beam hole and introducing a microwave absorber in the choke structure. We also discuss the emittance growth in the several candidate of the designs by estimating two kinds of applications of the DAA cavity to the linac and the microtron.