MOP006 ハドロン加速器 8月8日 コンベンションホール 13:10 - 15:10 |
J-PARCリニアックビームスタディー進歩 |
Progresses of J-PARC linac commissioning |
○劉 勇,丸田 朋史(高エネルギー加速器研究機構),三浦 昭彦(原研),宮尾 智章 (高エネルギー加速器研究機構) |
○Yong Liu, Tomofumi Maruta (KEK), Akihiko Miura (JAEA), Tomoaki Miyao (KEK) |
Main progresses of J-PARC linac commissioning in the past year were presented in the paper. Systematic Q-scan studied at MEBT1 helped to get more precise Twiss parameters, which are necessary to match to DTL and to set the whole linac with equi-partitioning condition. And furthermore, consistency was obtained with the measurement and improved RFQ simulation. In the MEBT2, which takes the role for the 3-fold frequency transition, measurements with presently one bunch shape monitor (BSM) were studied for a better understanding of the longitudinal phase space. Intra-beam striping effects of H- beam was identified as the dominant beam loss at the 191~400 MeV ACS section. Trials of mitigation with decreased transverse focusing were tested and candidate setting was proposed. |