SAP103  ポスターセッション1  8月3日 豊田講堂2階ロビー 13:00 - 15:00
Performance Study of Four Mirror Laser Resonator for 6 um Minimum Beam Size using Green Laser Oscillator
○Arpit Rawankar (SOKENDAI, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama), Junji Urakawa, Hirotaka Shimizu, Nobuhiro Terunuma, Yosuke Honda (KEK, Japan)
The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) was constructed at KEK to study low emittance beam physics and to develop the technologies associated with it. In ATF damping ring, electron beam size has been measured with laser wire optical cavity comprising two mirrors based on Compton scattering. A new four mirror laser wire system has been developed for quick measurements of three dimensional beam profiles. This system has many advantages over two mirror laser wire system. Four mirror resonator reduces the sensitivity towards misalignment as compare to two mirror resonator. Measured Finesse of the resonator is more than 4000. Inside ATF damping ring, electron beam has very small size of 10um in vertical direction. To measure electron beam profile, very thin laser beam size is needed. Laser waist size、around 6um in sagittal plane is achieved in between two concave mirrors. Special type of mirror alignment scheme is used to make a compact four mirror optical cavity. Laser resonator is designed to work in vacuum environment with a complex mirror holder design .We report the performance studies of such four mirror resonator using 532 nm CW laser oscillator .